Seismic techniques have proven to be hugely versatile in the realm of geotechnical engineering, from locating bedrock to creating 3D datasets to providing engineering values for design.
GBG Group has extensive experience in multiple seismic testing techniques for on- and off-shore applications. Refraction techniques can model rock depth and strength, Multi-channel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW) gives engineering properties of the subsurface as well as detecting karstic features quickly and easily. Our downhole seismic methods can be useful where a small site restricts the access for the usual long survey lines.
Our range of in-house marine seismic testing equipment allows for multiple techniques and layers of information from the seabed to bedrock and everything in between.
Contact us to find out which technique will provide you with the information you need.
GBG investigates a wide range of structures from historically significant buildings to small private residences.
Complete the form below, call us at +1 917 297 0913 (New York office), +1 805 393 2021 (Boulder CO office) or +1 310 745 9301 (Los Angeles office). A member of the team will respond ASAP to discuss your requirements.
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