With every man-made structure, maintenance and detailed plans are key to the longevity and safety of all who use it. Non-destructive testing techniques can delineate areas of interest and concern, confirm what needs confirming, and bring a more structured approach to what may need attention.
GBG Group was initially known for Non-Destructive Testing and therefore has decades of experience in this specific area. We have staff who are ACRA accredited concrete repairers. Our investigation engineers are skilled in drafting CAD to give you comprehensive drawings of the internal composition of concrete structures, or the dimensions of timbre elements.
Contact us to find out how our suite of techniques can give you the information you need to better understand your structure.
GBG investigates a wide range of structures from historically significant buildings to small private residences.
Complete the form below, call us at +1 917 297 0913 (New York office), +1 805 393 2021 (Boulder CO office) or +1 310 745 9301 (Los Angeles office). A member of the team will respond ASAP to discuss your requirements.
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